English for Public Transportation: TRAIN

Transportasi kereta api menawarkan berbagai istilah penting yang berguna untuk diketahui. Berikut adalah kosakata terkait kereta api dan layanannya.
A - C
1. Announcement
Pengumuman di stasiun atau kereta
“Listen carefully to the announcement for changes in schedules.”
2. Arrival
Kedatangan kereta
“The train's arrival is expected at 2 p.m.”
3. Boarding Gate
Pintu masuk menuju peron
“Proceed to the boarding gate with your ticket ready.”
4. Brake Car
Gerbong rem (untuk pengendalian kereta)
“The brake car is located at the end of the train.”
5. Cancellation
Pembatalan perjalanan
“Cancellation of the train has caused inconvenience to passengers.”
6. Carriage (Train Carriage)
Gerbong kereta
“Carriage 5 is reserved for first-class passengers.”
7. Compartment
Kompartemen atau ruang dalam gerbong
“The train compartment is designed for small groups.”
8. Compensation
Kompensasi atas keterlambatan atau pembatalan
“Passengers are entitled to compensation for delays over 2 hours.”
D - F
9. Delay
Penundaan jadwal
“The delay is due to technical issues.”
Keberangkatan kereta
“What time is the departure for the next train?”
11. Dining Car
Gerbong makan.
“Passengers can enjoy meals in the dining car.”
12. Driver (Train Driver)
Masinis atau pengemudi kereta
“The train driver ensures a safe and smooth journey.”
13. Economy Class
Kelas ekonomi
“Economy class tickets are more affordable.”
14. Express Train
Kereta ekspres yang hanya berhenti di beberapa stasiun
“The express train is faster than the local one.”
15. First Class
Kelas pertama
“First-class passengers have more spacious seats.”
G - L
16. Guard (Train Guard)
Petugas kereta (pengawas keamanan)
“The train guard ensures passenger safety.”
Bagasi atau koper
“Passengers are responsible for their own luggage.”
18. Luggage Car
Gerbong bagasi
“Oversized luggage is stored in the luggage car.”
19. Local Train
Kereta lokal yang berhenti di semua stasiun
“Local trains are often used for short commutes.”
20. Lost and Found
Tempat barang hilang
“You can check the lost and found for your missing items.”
O - P
21. Observation Car
Gerbong observasi dengan jendela besar
“The observation car offers panoramic views.”
22. One-Way Ticket
Tiket sekali jalan
“I bought a one-way ticket to the city.”
23. Overhead Rack
Rak di atas tempat duduk untuk menyimpan barang
“Put your luggage on the overhead rack.”
“Passengers should board the train promptly.”
Area tempat penumpang menunggu kereta (peron)
“The train will depart from platform 4.”
Petugas pengangkut bagasi di stasiun
“The porter helped us carry our bags to the platform.”
Pengembalian uang
“Passengers can request a refund for canceled trains.”
28. Reserved Seat
Kursi yang sudah dipesan
“This is a reserved seat for passengers with tickets.”
Penjadwalan ulang
“You can reschedule your journey at the service desk.”
30. Round-Trip Ticket
Tiket pulang pergi
“It’s cheaper to buy a round-trip ticket.”
S - T
31. Seat Reservation
Pemesanan kursi
“A seat reservation is required for this train.”
32. Sleeping Car
Gerbong tidur
“The sleeping car is perfect for overnight journeys.”
Pramugara kereta yang melayani penumpang
“The steward brought us refreshments during the trip.”
Tiket perjalanan
“Make sure to carry your ticket at all times.”
35. Ticket Collector
Petugas pemeriksa tiket
“The ticket collector will verify your ticket during the journey.”
36. Ticket Counter
Loket penjualan tiket.
“There’s a long line at the ticket counter today.”
Jadwal perjalanan
“The timetable is updated frequently.”
Rel kereta api
“Cross the train tracks only at designated areas.”
39. Train Operator
Operator kereta
“The train operator ensured everything was running smoothly.”
40. Train Pass
Kartu perjalanan untuk beberapa perjalanan
“A train pass is ideal for frequent travelers.”
41. Train Schedule
Jadwal kereta
“The train schedule is displayed on the screen.”
U - W
42. Unreserved Seat
Kursi tanpa reservasi
“Unreserved seats are available on this train.”
43. Waiting Room
Ruang tunggu di stasiun
“You can wait in the waiting room until the train arrives.”
44. Water Refill Station
Tempat isi ulang air minum di stasiun
“Passengers can use the water refill station for free.”
45. Wi-Fi Car
Gerbong dengan fasilitas Wi-Fi
“The Wi-Fi car is available for business-class passengers.”
46. Worker (Railway Worker)
Pekerja kereta api
“Railway workers ensure the tracks are in good condition.”
47. Dining Steward
Pramugara di gerbong makan
“The dining steward served meals during the journey.”
Kepala stasiun
“The stationmaster supervises all activities at the station.”
Petugas pengawas penumpang di kereta
“The conductor checks tickets and ensures safety on board.”
Teknisi listrik kereta api
“The electrician fixed the lighting issue in the carriage.”